Newberry-Advisors Newberry-Advisors



Washington, DC is filled with the voices of persons wanting to shape policy.  Some of those voices are fighting for the status quo, while others argue for immediate change.


When it comes to shaping the policies in Congress and at the Federal Communications Commission, Steve Newberry offers an advocacy style that stands out from the crowd of other voices.

His voice is one that combines issue knowledge, candor, integrity and persuasion.  Steve doesn’t just simply advocate for a position, he builds relationships with those he works with.   Those relationships are built on trust and clarity, and that is a key factor in Steve’s ability to successfully gain the support of Washington’s decision makers.  And in those cases where there is strong opposition to a position he is advocating for, those same traits of trust and clarity enable Steve to work with the opposition to find a solution.



Steve Newberry has appeared on multiple occasions before both House and Senate committees representing broadcasting on diverse issues.  Passionate in his belief of radio and television’s immense value to America, Steve’s testimonies were recognized for their strong advocacy of and tough positions protecting broadcasting.  At the same time, his calm demeanor and respect for those in opposition enabled his messages to punch through the political walls and be heard.

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